Brewers competed in the field of public taste-buds for the first ever partnership competition with Rivertown Homebrewers and a Professional Brewery. Kitzingen offered to make a base blank slate for the brewers from Rivertown Homebrewers to form whatever whimsical beer they could imagine. These creations were then unleashed onto an unsuspecting crowd at Sicillianos National Big Brew Day. Read further the adventure of this event and the results! Brewers met at Kitzingen early Saturday, March 16 and whipped up a batch of wort at ~1.045 SG. Once completed, entrants took home 5 gallons and do whatever they wanted with it! In 7 short weeks they returned 6 packs of their creations to Sicilliano’s Big Brew Day at Trailpoint Brewing. Once everyone’s beers had arrived that day a booth was set up and staggered time-slots were assigned to the beers. Random passersby scored the beers using a simplified scoring method. Whoever got the highest average score, would win the competition. The winning prize being the opportunity to brew that winning recipe on the big system at Kitzingen! And The Winner is……. CRAIG BUNO
WITH HIS CITRA PALE ALE! Now he has kindly offered to share this recipe with the masses, here is the now-not-so-secret Citra Pale Ale Recipe. Citra Pale Ale - Hazy Citra Pale Ale Batch Volume 5 Gallons OG 1.049 FG 1.012 Fermentables: 2.5 gallons Marris Otter Wort from Kitizingen OG = 1.045 Boiled 2.5 gallons Marris Otter Wort from Kitizingen OG = 1.045 Steeping Grains: 0.75 lbs Crystal 40L (6%) 0.5 lbs CaraPils (4%) Steeped for 24 mins under 150 degree. Hops: 1 oz Citra 13.3%AA 15min -21.3 IBU 1 oz Citra 13.3%AA 10min -15.6 IBU 0.5 oz Citra 13.3%AA 5min- 4.3 IBU 0.5 oz Citra 13.3%AA 1min-.9 IBU 1 oz Citra 13.3%AA flameout/steep Yeast: Safeale 05 yeast Process: 2.5 gallons of wort boiled using the hopping regime and then added to other 2.5 of untouched wort and then topped up with water to reach 5 gallons. Pitched at 63 degrees Next day temp free rose to 66 degrees, with the fermentation chamber set to 68 Racked to secondary one week later
I want to be part of this club so bad. I mean, there is not a lot that I can do, but this seems to be one that I can excel at. I understand that they have a low acceptance rate, but I am still going to try. I want to get into this club and compete with the bests. This is all just my own idea, so if you do not feel the same, then that is okay as well.
2/18/2023 11:19:18 am
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